Weight Loss Diet Natural And Safe Weight Loss Tips

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, is Kapha Dosha (humor) primarily responsible for fat and adipose tissue in the body and thus reduce Kapah program is the key to successful weight loss. Here are some tips from Ayurveda help reduce Kapha Dosha and thus fight against obesity and overweight.
Of the four dimensions of our being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in this article I will deal with the physical dimension, which is more important for reducing Kapha and comparing the weight reduction.
Weight Loss Tips from Ayurveda:
1. Ayurvedic Diet Weight Loss:
Naturally, an anti-kapha diet is the starting point when trying to lose weight. This means eating lots of fruits, vegetables, spicy foods and whole grains.
2. Exercise to lose weight:
The following guidelines must be followed for Ayurvedic good performance in terms of weight loss:
* The more exercise the better, Kapha \ 's fixed qualities, dull, heavy, sweet and cold are canceled through the years. In other words, the more you do more exercise to reduce fat Kapha and therefore in your body.
* Exercise without too much stress: According to Ayurveda, Kapha individuals need more vigorous exercise, but at the same time, the exercise should not be extreme. Finding a good balance between doing too little. A drop of sweat is very fun, but be totally out of breath is probably too much.
* Be consistent: a Kapha body type has a tendency to gain weight, you must exercise a part of your everyday life. The hardest part is getting the exercise program began. Once done Kapha people tend to be very calm and determined, so they will be able to observe the long term. Getting started is another matter of Kapha types, and usually requires treatment of shock. In the spirit of the shock therapy, understanding that not exercise and not lose the weight you put your life and life-threatening. Enough said, starting today!
* Yoga for Weight Loss: Yoga is a great way to incorporate a holistic exercises to your fitness program. These exercises not only help you lose weight, but also helps the overall health and wellness.
* Post Exercise Diet: After the exercises do not drink cold liquids. This time is the key, as you try to increase the fire cell metabolism to burn more calories drinking cold liquids, and this time defeat this important benefit, which is used directly.
3. Physical hard work to burn calories:
According to Ayurveda Kapha reduction is promoted by a physical lifestyle and active. In a world \ 's era of technology, computers, televisions, TiVo, Internet, etc, labor is scarce for people to do. So should consciously integrate the physical work in his life. Whether mowing the lawn, tending the garden or shovel snow, it is important not to lead a sedentary life watching TV and eating Twinkies.
4. Massage therapy is to reduce fat:
There are many Ayurvedic massage is highly recommended. The context of weight loss and reduces kapha, strong light massage oils such as mustard or linseed oil is good.
5. Sleep Support Weight Loss:
No nap or going to bed early. If you want to reduce kapha and weight remember that you burn more calories when you are awake and be active until you are happy snuggled under the blanket.
The above suggestions will certainly help you in your weight loss goals and also to help lose weight, they also make you more healthy and fit.

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